A Step Forward
Mission Statement
The Friends of Veterans’ Memorial Library
The Friends of Veterans’ Memorial Library is established to receive and encourage gifts,
endowments, and bequests to the Veterans’ Memorial Library for the purpose of building a new library.
The Friends group will also be offering educational programs to a range of
age groups. The Friends of Veterans’ Memorial Library will be offering computer/technology
programs for the older citizens of the town to assist them in avoiding scams and train them
with online programs such as Zoom to allow them to interact with others avoiding social
isolation. Programs will also be offered in order to expand peoples’ use of their smart phones
and genealogy work for those interested.

For school age children, The Friends will be offering
after school programs in coding programs offered via Educate Maine; volunteers have offered
to be trained in order to provide these programs beginning with early elementary programs and
expanding those offerings through grade eight (8). The Friends will also offer assistance to
those adults who wish to establish resumes and application letters in order to seek new
employment opportunities.
The Friends will provide financial support as its assets permit to support the library and its mission to support patrons and the community as a whole.
Revised & Approved: January 23, 2023